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10 search results

  • Real Estate Terminology: What does subordination mean?
    Answer: A clause or document permitting a mortgage recorded at a later date to recieve higher priority over an existing lien. ...
  • Real Estate Terminology: What is a general lien?
    Answer: A lien that encompasses every property owned by the debtor instead of a single specific property. ...
  • Real Estate Terminology: What is a lien?
    Answer: A claim on another person’s property as security for money owed. Types of liens include judgments, mortgages, mechanic's liens, and unpaid taxes. ...
  • Real Estate Terminology: What is a mechanic's lien?
    Answer: A lien placed upon a building or other improvement that functions as security for the payment of labor and materials furnished for improvement. ...
  • Real Estate Terminology: What is a mortgage?
    Answer: A lien against real property received by a lender from the borrower that functions as security for money borrowed. ...
  • Real Estate Terminology: What is a tax lien?
    Answer: A lien against a property for failure to pay the taxes. ...
  • Contract and Legal Issues: M: How do you find out if there is a lien on a property you
    Answer: You can have a title company check for you, or you can contact the county recorders office where the property is. Liens have to be ...
  • Contract and Legal Issues: M: Can I sell a property if it has a lien against it?
    Answer: A house is salable with a lien; however, payment to satisfy the lien is required at the closing table either from the sale proceeds or ...
  • Contract and Legal Issues: How can I clear a lien off a property?
    Answer: We recommend consulting with a local legal professional regarding removing specific liens on a property. It may simply be a matter of contacting the creditor ...
  • Marketing and Lead Gen: I have a vacant house down the street and I can not locate the owners.
    Answer: Here's a couple ideas: Put a sign on the front of the house that says ‘we buy houses’ with your phone number. If the owner calls, ...

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